How Many Rakat are in Isha Prayer? Learn How to Perform Them

Publish date: 2024-07-13

The Isha prayer holds great significance for Muslims as it is the final prayer of the day and a demonstration of their faith.

This prayer consists of various rakat combinations of prayers and prostrations. Here, we’ll explore the mandatory and optional rakat of Isha, how to perform them, and compare the number of rakat with the other daily prayers.

Understanding the Rakat of Isha

Performing the Rakat of Isha

Optional Prayers

Comparison with Other Daily Prayers

Each daily prayer also includes additional Sunnah and Nafl rakat that can be performed.


The Isha prayer is a sacred act of devotion for Muslims, comprising mandatory and optional rakat. By understanding the number of rakat and how to perform them, individuals can engage in this significant prayer with reverence and connection to Allah.

Remember, while the Fard rakat is obligatory, the Sunnah, Nafl, and Witr rakat are optional but hold special benefits.

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