Famous twins! Celebrities who have a twin sibling or twin children
It is always surprising when you think you know a famous face - only to find out that there is someone else out there who shares everything with them, from a birthday, to parents, to even looking absolutely identical! Check out some of the famous faces who have a twin sibling or twin youngsters here...
Ashton and Michael Kutcher
Ashton's twin, Michael, was born with cerebral palsy, and the actor opened up about him during a speech at the Ron Pearson Centre after receiving the Robert D. Ray Pillar of Character Award. He said: "My brother was born with cerebral palsy and it taught me that loving people isn't a choice and that people aren't actually all created equal. The Constitution lies to us. We're not all created equal. We're all created incredibly inequal to one another, in our capabilities and what we can do and how we think and what we see. But we all have the equal capacity to love one another, and my brother taught me that."