Jessica Simpsons friends admit Tony Romo was always trying to nail them

Publish date: 2024-07-04

Poor Jessica Simpson. We haven’t thrown a pity party for her in a while, but I just found a good enough reason for one. The National Enquirer is reporting (in Mike Walker’s gossip column) that no fewer than three of Jessica’s friends have admitted that Tony Romo hit on them and kissed them… while Tony and Jessica were still together. Oh… poor Jess. Apparently, it was like Tony’s “thing” to hit on all of Jess’s friends at parties – but it doesn’t sound any of them slept with Tony. Maybe they just kissed and drunkenly groped each other? Ew. That could not have been pleasant.

Girlfriends trying to “comfort” JESSICA SIMPSON post-breakup helpfully divulged that dog TONY ROMO hit on not one…not two…but THREE of them while he and Jess were still together!

One friend told her: “We were at a party when you were out of town and I ran into Tony. We were friendly, just talking. But the more he drank, the more friendly he got. Finally, he said, ‘You know, you and I should get together – Jessica doesn’t need to find out!'”

Others said Tony would get “all grabby and kissy-face,” but they’d push him away.

The girls never told Jessica, knowing she’d “kill the messenger…or confront Tony, who’d swear the girls were hitting on him, and a stupid war would start,” said the friend.

“This is tearing Jessica apart. Every guy she’s been with lately, like JOHN MAYER and Tony, have had womanizing issues. She’s picking ’em worse, not better.”

[From the National Enquirer]

I was totally in love with a guy like this once. I mean, this guy was like my soul mate (in my mind) but he had a thing about flirting with my friends, and he even crossed the line with one of my roommates. It totally sucked – it destroyed both the friendship and the quasi-relationship I had with the guy. It’s devastating enough when a guy cheats on you – but when it’s with one of your friends, the anger and betrayal is intense. I tend to think Jessica already has horrible friends (just because good girlfriends would have told her to act differently a long time ago), but this should be Jess’s dealbreaker for friendship. Yes, Tony was a douche for cheating and trying to cheat… but good girlfriends don’t keep quiet about that stuff, and they definitely don’t kiss your boyfriend. They all need to go too.

Jessica and Tony are shown on 4/11/09. Credit: PRJ/Fame Pictures

