Jessica Biel uses her still-spectacular ass to sell A-Team in Paris
Honestly, when I first saw these photos of Jessica Biel (and the rest of the cast of The A-Team) at an Eiffel Tower photo call, I thought she looked really cute. Now that I’m looking closer at the outfit though, it’s totally strange and jacked. Is it a jumper? Like, a polyester catsuit? With a strange bow? It’s hard to tell, but I think this junk is all one piece, and that disturbs me. But the point of this isn’t about Jessica’s continuing forays and failures in fashion, it’s about her ass. Her ass still looks great. I wish my ass looked this good. And Jessica’s ass is carrying the weight of The A-Team now. After having all of their asses handed to them by The Karate Kid’s box-office, everyone is looking at Biel and her spectacular ass to sell this movie. God knows, they tried selling the film on Bradley Cooper’s chin, and that failed.
Anyway, just a few more little stories about Biel – she was being interviewed for some radio show and she admitted that she’s tried to “hide” from the paparazzi (that she probably called) by wearing wigs. She said: “Sometimes I leave my house in disguise but I usually take it off as I get embarrassed and think someone knows I’m wearing a wig… The weirdest thing about fame is the loss of anonymity, going somewhere and having eyes on you. That’s a strange element.” For goodness sake, Jessica. Every time a paparazzi “catches” her out with Justin, she gets instant smugface, like she so pleased with herself. Speaking of, Showbiz Spy had some random report about how Jessica wants to have Justin’s baby. Just know… this is likely total bullsh-t:
JESSICA Biel is feeling broody! Sources say the actress, 28, is desperate to start a family with boyfriend Justin Timberlake.
“Jessica is desperate to settle down and have kids,” said one insider. “And ideally she’d like it to be with Justin. She’s been on at him for weeks about starting a family. Ideally she’d like to get married, too, but she’s told Justin she’ll happily settle for just a baby.”
Showbiz Spy reported earlier this year how Justin and Jessica — who have been on the rocks since late last year — had decided to give their relationship another chance.
“Things began taking a turn for the worse for Jess and Justin around the MTV Video Music Awards in September,” said one insider. “Justin was staying in New York by himself, working a lot and going out with his friends. He and Jess took some time apart through the fall while she was working, but stayed in touch via phone.”
“They visited each other a little bit and Jess missed Justin, but she was willing to give him space. It really worked out because by the time the holidays were coming, Justin was back and focused on Jess!”
“Justin loves Jessica and he wants to be with her. She makes him happy, they have so much in common and she is a good fit for him. She’s low-key and makes the effort to spend quality time with her family and friends.
“Justin was being preemptive when he considered breaking up — he realizes what it would be like to lose Jessica and he cares about her so much. He wants her in his life and they are in a great new place in their relationship. Justin’s mom has often commented that she would love to see him and Jess marry and have her grandchildren. Lynn really does like Jess. Their mended relationship is good news.”
[From Showbiz Spy]
I’m surprised it never occurred to Biel to “cling” to Justin by getting pregnant. Of course, it probably did occur to her, but she probably doesn’t want to get pregnant out of fear of ruining her soon-to-be Oscar-winning career.
Aw, look at Liam… I love his sad, beautiful face.
The A-Team photo call in Paris on June 14, 2010. Credit: Fame.